Veterans with Upper Limb Injuries

Research Article

A comprehensive musculoskeletal and peripheral nervous system assessment of war-related bilateral upper extremity amputees

Background: Upper limb amputations are one of the unpleasant war injuries that armed forces are exposed to frequently. The present study aimed to assess the musculoskeletal and peripheral nervous systems in Iraq-Iran war veterans with bilateral upper extremity amputation. Methods: …

Allami M, Mousavi B, Masoumi M, Modirian E, Shojaei H, Mirsalimi F, et al.

Mil Med Res. 2016 Nov; 3: 34


Research Article

Neuroma in bilateral upper limb amputation

To evaluate the prevalence of neuroma in bilateral upper limb amputees and investigate the effect of level of amputation on their pain, 86 patients with bilateral upper limb amputation were thoroughly examined by an orthopedic surgeon. Of 172 bilateral amputated …

Soroush M, Modirian E, Soroush M & Masoumi M

Orthopedics 2008 Dec;31(12)

ezterabzodaee 1 

impacts of landmine iran